Wednesday, October 9, 2013

crochet lace

ometimes I make some lace for some project, but never use it. Because when I'm finished with it, it doesn't  fit anymore. The gray one I made for a scarf, but it turned out to be longer then needed. The white one I made to decorate a blouse but in the lace the color was different from expected one. So now those beautiful laces are waiting for another thing to fit. 


  1. How lovely! I have yet to dare crocheting lace myself, but these very beautiful creations may just inspire me to give it a try! Beautiful lace and beautiful pictures, as usual!

    Have a great week!

    1. thank you so much, Elizabeth! you know, crocheting lace was quite fun for me, when you see how the scheme from a book became a real thing!
      have a great week too!

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